



On TV tonight!

It’s a blue cloud leaning against a hill (reference to a legendary French song ;) ), San Francisco is reaching new heights with Salesforce, which is putting the final touches to the city’s highest skyscraper—Salesforce Tower—which is a staggering 1,069 ft (326 meters) tall.

And Salesforce’s numbers are towering in their own right. To list just two—a turnover of $8.4 billion in 2016 for a company just 17 years old, and CEO Marc Benioff’s height, which is 6’5” (1.98 meters)!


The Salesforce Tower stands head and shoulders above its neighbors at a telling location: Mission Street. Since the arrival of Salesforce in France, WordAppeal (a subsidiary of Pelham Media Ltd.) has been supporting the global cloud computing leader with its content marketing strategy. After a semantic analysis and a review of Salesforce’s online presence, a new strategy was set up and deployed by WordAppeal’s Content Champions (Editorial Project Managers). Their objective is to tell Salesforce’s story, let it shine, and transform the industry. The company’s French blog is comprised of both short and long read articles. WordAppeal Content Champions have contributed to the creation of white papers published on Salesforce’s landing pages. Each downloaded white paper helps Salesforce’s sales teams get new leads. For the past five years, we have created more than 500 articles for Salesforce and more than 50 customer testimonials available on salesforce.com/fr.

And let’s not forget video—Salesforce France marketing teams opted for Mojo (mobile journalism) this year to promote the Salesforce World Tour Paris, a major annual conference that brought together more than 10,000 people at the Porte de Versailles. Filmed using an iPhone by a member of our team, entrepreneurs, start-ups, Salesforce speakers were invited to answer our questions in order to encourage users to register and attend. The videos produced fueled Salesforce’s French social media platforms.

Breaking news. In line with the Tech industry’s innovative spirit, Salesforce likes to be the first to test out new means of communication. Salesforce is interviewed on TV and we are there to support them. Since May 2017, the cloud leader has had a monthly 26-minute news program on BFM Business. On the set, a Salesforce speaker and two business leaders discuss the transformations of customer relations and their future developments. The program includes a report / interview of an entrepreneur or intrapreneur within a large company.


WordAppeal is responsible for the editorial management of the TV program (editorial board meetings, coordination of participants, questioning for the host). Three episodes have already been broadcast and the next is due at the start of the school year and will continue until the end of the year.
